A Crash Course on Terraform

Overviews, discussions, and live demos that cover everything you need to learn Terraform best practices for real-world usage.

Produced by Gruntwork

We wrote the book on Terraform, created one of the most popular open source companion tools to Terraform, wrote the definitive guide to AWS, and build and maintain best-practices infrastructure for dozens of software teams worldwide using industry-leading DevOps tools. Now we've taken all our expertise and experience and shared it in this course!

What's Included

Get up and running quickly with Terraform by learning the syntax of HCL, how to manage state, how to package infrastructure into reusable Terraform modules, how to fit Terraform into your CI/CD workflow, best practices for using Terraform as a team, and the gotchas that often trip up beginners. For more detail, scroll below to see the full curriculum.

Always Up to Date

DevOps tools evolve pretty fast, and training materials are almost always out of date. That's why we've taken a different approach with our training. Since we plan to focus exclusively on a narrow set of popular DevOps tools and technologies, we're committed to keeping this course up to date by continually updating the content to reflect the latest best practices.

We already discover the best practices by working with dozens of companies to setup their infrastructure on AWS with Terraform, so having an "authoritative" place where all our insights are recorded and kept current helps keep us sane.

Further questions?

Send us an email at [email protected] and we'd be happy to help. :)

Happy terraforming!


Your Instructor

Josh Padnick & Yoriyasu Yano
Josh Padnick & Yoriyasu Yano

Josh is the author of the definitive 12,000+ word guide to building scalable web apps on AWS which garnered 500+ upvotes on Hacker News, and presented on AWS and DevOps at numerous conferences and meetups. He's developed dozens of best-practices Terraform modules across multiple cloud providers, equipped over 20 software teams with an end-to-end DevOps stack built on Terraform, trained over 100 engineers on Terraform, submitted numerous Terraform bugs, and been an active member of the Terraform community since 2015. Previously, he founded a healthcare IT company that served over 4,200 providers and 500,000 patient-users.

Yori is a Principal Engineer at Gruntwork. He is the implementer and maintainer of the EKS and Kubernetes Terraform modules that are a part of the Gruntwork IaC Library. More recently, he led the effort to upgrade all of the modules in the Gruntwork IaC Library to be compatible with Terraform 0.12. Previously, he was a founding member of a digital automation startup and specialized in Site Reliability Engineering and successfully led the team to materialize a 10x improvement in the throughput of the digitization platform.

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